First 100 Free Book

Send an email to with your name, phone number and mailing address. We are giving away this book to the first 100 people that send us an email with their information because we felt it is a perfect for the times we are in and what we CAN do to make a difference. I […]

9 Ways to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

Perhaps aside from the most successful people in the world, we all sabotage ourselves. Some wait until they’re close to success, while others sabotage themselves before they even take the first step. The causes are the same regardless of when it occurs. The world is tough enough without taking on the role of the greatest […]

8 Steps to Greater Self-Confidence

We all want more self-confidence. Self-confidence can mean the difference between enjoying life and being afraid. Not all of the factors that contribute to self-confidence are under your direct control. But enough of them are to make a huge difference. You can develop the habits and skills that make self-confidence automatic. With more confidence, you’ll […]

7 Techniques to Strengthen Your Self-Confidence

When you believe in yourself and you’re sure that you’ll succeed at something, you have self-confidence. Throughout life, your level of self-confidence might fluctuate when you’re faced with challenging situations. However, you have the power to build your self-confidence. Although parents can encourage young children to believe in themselves, as an adult, only you hold […]

Your Identity In Christ

You are a spirit critter in an earthsuit (body); you are not a physical being with a spirit. Here’s proof: God is Spirit and you were created in His image; Jesus is Spirit; the Holy Spirit is Spirit; angels are spirit critters; Satan is a spirit critter; demons are spirit critter; lost folks are dead-spirit […]

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